Five-Star historically has been challenged with a short sales window where most of their annual revenue is driven by a back-to-school window of just 5 weeks, marketing to both parents and students within this time frame.
In 2024, Adcom took on an even bigger task of using a flat budget compared to the previous year to reach an expanded market. Core audiences expanded, with the parent audience increasing by a whopping 63% with the inclusion of early learners, while the student audience grew by 37% with the inclusion of college students. The Adcom media team needed to do more with less while being as effective as possible to move all audiences toward purchases at Five Star’s major retail partners.
A successful back-to-school retail season for Five Star. Using the same budget as years prior, we were able to target a significantly larger audience with positive results. Overall campaign impressions increased by 108%, while engagements increased by 114%. The campaign resulted in positive unit growth and increased retailer sell-through YoY. We’d give the overall effort an A+